Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I knew when I brought a new kitty home that inevitably I would feel some guilt and regret for invading Izzy's space with another kitty. She has growled, hissed, and sulked. Last night out of nowhere, when Larry bent down to rub her belly, she attacked. Don't get me wrong, Izzy is a fiesty kitty, but last night she went crazy.

The new kitty, Oz, is locked up in his "safe room" until Izzy adjusts. I gave him a bunch of toys, that Izzy has always refused to play with. If the stuffed mice don't make noise, she wants nothing to do with them and jingly balls bore her. I figured that was safe. I didn't want her to get jealous over what he had in his room. Unfortunately one of the jingly balls ended up by the door and Izzy has parked herself outside that door, peering under trying to get a handle on what is lurking on the other side. She saw the ball and was not happy. Then with a little shaking paw she tried to get it out from under the door. That is what broke my heart. My little Izzy-plums paw shaking. I feel so very guilty.

As I type this though, Izzy has come over and is sprawled on my lap, purring, demanding belly rubs. She must not hate me too much.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Introducing Oz Moses

This is Oz Moses. (Moses is a tentative middle name; I still need approval from his daddy.) Oz is still getting adjusted to the house. Right now he will only venture from the desk chair to the bed and back again. Usually while in pursuit of a hot pink jingly ball. He likes to make tiny meowing noises that sound more like a baby bird than a kitty. He thinks his big sister is a meanie, but is not scared of her growling. He can take her. Like most men he is mistaken.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I have a new kitty. . .

I've been looking for a pal for the Izzy girl for a few weeks and finally found a handsome little boy to take home to her. His name is Oz, but Larry calls him Ozzy. So I was hoping Ozzy and Izzy would be great pals, but the meowser takes after her mommy and can be a little bit of a b@#&h. So for the moment, Oz is sequestered to the spare bedroom where he can be comfy and away from a growling Izzy-plums. Hopefully in a few weeks, they will be getting along or at the very least be tolerant of each other. I'm crossing my fingers and my toes.

Pictures will be coming soon!

Sunday, July 5, 2009